Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MV vs Data F

Memory variable files are a way to store the status of memory variables that are currently stored in memory.
A variable is an identifier (usually a letter, word, or phrase) that is linked to a value stored in the system's memory or an expression that can be evaluated. For instance, a variable might be called "total_count" and contain a number.Depending on the type system of a programming language, variables may only be able to store a specified datatype (e.g. integer or string). Alternatively a data type may be associated only with the current value, allowing a single variable to store anything supported by the programming language.The use of the term "variable" is based on the similar mathematical concept of the same name.

Data field definition usually includes field structure (size of each field and whether it is a date, an integer, or a text field) and field organization (names and locations of data fields within a document record).When adding documents to a Globodox DB you would also want to add descriptive/indexing information along with each document. This information could include data items like Author Name, Title, Subject etc.. Each of these items of data is known as a data field.You can create data fields for Document Types and Stack Types.

When adding a Data Field to a Document Type or Stack Type you will need to specify the Data Type for that field. A field's Data Type specifies the type of data that can be stored in that field.

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Contrast

1.Differntiate the Computer System vs. Operating System.
Computer system is a complete working computer,it includes not only the computer but also any software and peripheral devices that are necessary to make the computer function,in every computer system requires an OS.
Operating system is the basic software that controls a computer. It has three major functions.
(1)It coordinates and manipulates computer hardware,(2)it organizes files on a variety of storage media and (3)it manages hardware errors and the loss of data.

2.Information and Data Storage
Information storage is used to describe the organization,storage,location and retrieval of encoded information in computer systems.Important factors in storing and retrieving information are the type of media or storage device used to store information; the media storage capacity; the speed of access and information transfer to and from the storage media; the number of times new information can be written to the media and how the media interacts the computer.
Data storage is the analysis and organization of data by the repeated use of one or more computer programs.Data is not a program.Binary files are also known as data.

3.Computer Storage vs. Data Storage
Computer storage refers to computer component devices and recording media that retain digital data used for computing for some interval of time.It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers and coupled with a Central Processing Unit.
Data storage is the analysis and organization of data by the repeated use of one or more computer programs.Data is not a program.Binary files are also known as data.